November Chapter Meeting (10-29-20)

Our speaker for the November 9, 2020 virtual meeting is Michael Hosack, Fisheries Biologist, PA Fish and Boat Commission, Lake Erie Research Unit. Michael is a whiz kid when it comes to the biology of Lake Erie Steelhead. His topic will be: “LECAL Steelhead Survey & Management of steelhead and brown trout fisheries(Q & A Session to follow)

Click Here to access a video of Michael’s presentation. A MUST FOR ALL TRIB FISHERMEN!

One of Michael’s projects is to generate a report each year based on the logs of fishermens’ experience on the Tribs. He provides log books that fishermen document important details of each adventures chasing the wily steelhead and brown trout in the Tribs. Click here to find out more and to sign up to participate.