Bar Flies – Up the ANT-E

Howard's Tavern 98 Center Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

"Up the Ant-e" --- would be an ant pattern that everyone would tie - but they would add their own twists / styles / accoutrements, etc. Whatever they want. Again - a way to share ideas and creativity. Just have fun. No pressure.


Women’s Event: Scouting for bass

Too hot to bother the trout, but bass will be all over terresterial flies. Location TBD For more information: contact

September Chapter Meeting

Christ Church at Grove Farm 249 Duff Road, Sewickley, PA, United States

John Hayes will be our speaker for the September, 2022 Chapter Meeting.  The meeting will be held in the Barn at Christ Church at Grove Farm just off the Mt. Nebo exit of I-79.  Hope you can join the fun. PA Fish and Boat has proposed tighter control of private stocking because of concerns about [...]
